How do you answer the telephone? Next time, try this little trick. When the phone rings, you can still look at the caller id so you know who is calling, but instead of greeting the person right away, just say hello as if it was anyone else calling. Once the caller has spoken and you have had time to “recognize” their voice, greet them again by name and enthusiasm. Sounds confusing right, let me give you an example.
Sarah: Hello (unexcited, uninterested, just a simple hello)
Katrina: Hey Sarah
Sarah: Katrina! I was just thinking of you, it’s great to talk to you!
Can you see how the way Sarah answers the phone will make Katrina feel special. It sounds like Sarah’s excitement came about only once she knew that she was talking to Katrina. This way Katrina gets the feeling that Sarah really is excited to talk to her.
I’ve been using this technique for years now with great results. The person always gets excited knowing my enthusiasm comes based off of them. Give it a try and see what kind of results you get.