Few people who join Network Marketing have owned their own businesses, so when they get started, they ask a lot of “How-to” questions from their sponsors and other successful people. Frequent questions are:
- How do I contact people?
- How do I advertise?
- Should I have a website?
- How do you follow-up?
- What do you say?
- How do you do things?
These are all great questions, but they are the wrong kinds of questions. All these questions do is get you used to ask how something is done… but not why. So why is it important to know why something is done instead of how? Have you ever been in a slump? A week or a month or two go by and you’ve made your Network Marketing business more of an afterthought? Holidays get in the way, vacations, etc.
When you stop working the business, it’s because you don’t understand what doing the business actually means. Say for example you ask a successful Cold Market Network Marketer (a Network Marketer who does most of their business through cold market leads) how to approach people, well they won’t have the best advice because most of their contacts are people they’ve never met. Instead, if you ask them how to gain trust over the phone with contacts, it changes everything. Now instead of having a simple few steps to follow, you understand the process.
Most people are afraid to ask for help because of their ego. If you do something all by yourself, without asking for any help, then you get all of the credit. You feel better about yourself and use that success to push yourself forward. Another reason is people feel weak when they have to ask for help. But do you think Bill Gates did it all by himself, or do you think he asked a few people for help along the way? Do you think Bill Gates is weak? See my point?
Another thing happens when you ask someone for help, they feel better about themselves. So not only do you gain knowledge about the process of why something works, but you help those around you. Most people will not ask for help. They would rather go down, fail than to ask for help. Take the necessary steps right now to help your business by asking someone for help.