By now I am certain that everyone has heard about the revolutionary personal development philosophy known as The Secret. Wether you read the book, watched the DVD, or have viewed one of the numerous documentaries about it, the concept of the Law of Attraction has become extremely powerful.
I was first introduced to The Secret about 3 years ago and it has since changed my life. I have worked very hard to make the philosophies of The Secret a habit in my life. I wake up every morning and say aloud “Thank you for this day that I have been given to change the world for the better!” At night I say, “I am so thankful for_______” and then go about listing the events/people/places/etc in my life that I am thankful for or that positively impacted me that day.
Here are a few events that have happened in my life, all because of The Secret:
- Job: Last June I had a feeling that by the end of the year I would have an incredible job. I wanted a job where I would be in control of my future and I could help a company grow, where I did promotional presentations, and I wanted to make “X” amount of dollars per year. I got that opportunity in September when I had a job interview. During my interview, I told the interviewers that the job was already mine, and this was a formality, because I had been visualizing having this job now for months. I got the job and am now doing product promotions for a small software company named Microsoft.
- Romance: After I watched The Secret, I knew that it would work for me, but still I had a little bit of doubt left. So I started to visualize something so impossible, that if it happened, I knew The Secret worked. I began to visualize myself and a friend of mine in a relationship. Now neither her nor I had any interests in each other before, but this time we had The Secret on our side. Within 2 months, we got together for a short while.
- Place to Live: I wanted to move. I didn’t know where or any of the other details, only that it was time for a change. So one night I closed my eyes and thought about my new place. About the layout, the paint, the kitchen, the carpet, the placement of the power outlets, where I would park my car, where the sun would shine, everything, in great detail. I opened up my eyes and drew the layout of my new apartment on my whiteboard. A few months later, I was driving home from work, when I decided to just take some time and drive around and relax. I ended up only about 5 minutes from the freeway, but I found this incredible apartment complex. I went inside and got a map of their 2 bedroom apartment. The layout that they gave me matched my drawing exactly! She showed me the an apartment that just opened up the day before, and it was my apartment, same color, everything, EVERYTHING was the same.
- Money: One of the most exciting tips in that I found in The Secret was the concept of attracting money to you. Who wouldn’t love to just have money coming to them out of the blue, right? Well I went about my day, thanking the Universe for the money that I was receiving. Everywhere I went, I thought about attracting money into myself. I said over and over again the Mantra of “I am a money magnet. Money comes to me easily and effortlessly”, as taught in the teachers of The Secret. A few weeks later, I received a $50 gift card in the mail. Next I received a $119.37 check from my credit card for a billing error. In 3 weeks I had received $75 worth of donations on this website.So in the time span of a month, I had received about $225. Not bad at all 🙂
So does The Secret work? For me it is a resounding yes! I am living an abundant life because of this wonderful gift that I have received. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Universe for everything!