About 4 years ago I began to invest heavily into my own personal development. Books, audio CDs, blogs, magazines, movies, I’ve done it all. The one thing that I’ve always made a point to do though is to be open to new concepts and ideas. When I first watched The Secret, some of the stories were very extreme, but I still opened my mind, and accepted everything into my life. Had I not, I never would have gained so much from the life altering book, CD, and Movie.
One powerful night 3 years ago, I watched The Secret with a few of my friends. Not only did they laugh through the entire movie, outright rejecting it, but then afterwords they turned to me and called me a nut to believe it.  I take a look at my life now, 3 years later, and if the only consequence of having the success that I am having over everyone else is being called a “nut”, I welcome it with open arms.
That got me thinking about the 3 types of the people who read Personal Development, such as this site:

  1. Those who will read this, and not do anything about it: This is going to be the majority of the people out there. Concepts are found to be powerful, but some people are just too lazy to do anything about it. They will take notes, see how the concepts could apply to their lives, and just leave it at that.
  2. Those who will read this, and are too stubborn to do anything: There are some people who feel like their way of doing everything is the right way of doing it, and anything to the contrary is immediately rejected. Whereas some people will be open to all ideas or pick and chose which concepts will help them the best, some people will read 100 concepts, find 1 that goes against their personal philosophies, and reject the other 99.
  3. Those who will read this, and practice it: Finally we have those few people who will think about each concept with an open mind, and then apply it to their lives.