For too many women, loving themselves and finding happiness seems all but unattainable. They’ll compare themselves incessantly to others and believe that any flaws ultimately mean they’re undesirable and unlovable. Being a human means you’ll never be perfect, but that doesn’t mean you have to think any less of yourself. Here are three ways to learn to love yourself and find happiness.
Pay Attention to Your Mind
Your mental health needs some personal attention sometimes, as your thoughts are what creates your reality. Notice this doesn’t mean actual reality. When we fall into mental traps of judging ourselves, we can start to believe this to be true. Our thoughts are only as powerful as we allow them to be. Expand your mind by consistently learning new things, either through reading or through talking to others. The Recovery Village suggests that if you’re feeling particularly concerned about how your thoughts are shaping your worldview, schedule an appointment with a therapist or life coach that can help. They’ll help you to better understand the root causes of your thoughts and form more helpful thought patterns to combat the negative ones.
Listen to Your Heart
Many people say that the heart can at times act like a second brain. This can help explain why there are times that we do things because we feel we should as opposed to what we know we should do. In the same way that our hearts and brains can conflict, there are also times that we stop listening to our hearts. If people experience difficult circumstances, or have been emotionally hurt, the heart can even start to develop what some call a “heart wall”. This heart wall can stop people from being their happiest and feeling emotions to their fullest potential. Speaking with a trained professional to unblock your heart can greatly increase your ability to love yourself and find happiness. By keeping in tune with your heart and brain, your body will be in less conflict and you’ll feel more alert and aware of your life.
Pay Attention to Your Body
How you treat your body says a lot about how you view yourself. When you neglect exercise, eat poorly and use drugs, you tell yourself that you don’t care about your well-being. As a result, your body has to face the consequences. Addiction takes hold of your mind body and spirit, whether it’s to drugs, food, or something else. Remember how much potential your body holds and treat it with as much respect as you possibly can. Addiction takes hold of your mind, body, and spirit. The physical and psychological effects of withdrawal can prove to be too much to do on your own, according to Freedom Treatment Centers.
Develop Spiritually
The spirit is a rather intangible concept, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t real. It’s that invisible power that lets us keep going and grow as individuals. Your spirit has been with you all along and has gotten you through extremely difficult circumstances. According to Huffington Post, you might want to take some time to just be still every day to cultivate your spirituality. Think back on all the times you felt hopeless. The fact that you’re able to look back, and that it’s not happening right now, means that hope was eventually found in some form. Your spirit gives you incredible wisdom and allows you to persevere.
When you focus on your mind, body, and spirit, something incredible happens. You realize just how much you have to offer the world and how much you really mean to yourself. Loving yourself doesn’t have to be conditional. You can love yourself despite not being rich, famous, or achieving all your goals. Instead, you can simply embrace yourself for being yourself. This way you can find the real you, and become confident in tackling life’s problems with a smile. And if all of this is a bit difficult, do know that there is help available to you to start taking life at another level.