There are a great deal of changes that you can make to start becoming more productive right away, but these two are the simplest little changes you can make. The start of the day and the end of the day are extremely powerful times, but what can you do to take advantage of those times? Ask any successful person and they will always tell you, review, review, review, review. Let’s take a look at those two simple steps of reviewing now:
- Morning Review: This is going to be the difficult one, especially if you like to sleep in, but wake up 5 minutes earlier than you normally would. I know it’s tough, who wants to wake up 5 minutes earlier, right? Well people who are committed to their goals will. You can still lay in bed all nice and warm, but take a few moments to review your day by taking a look at the list you made the previous night (look at step two for instructions).
- Nightly Review: At the end of the day, most of us are so tired that we are asleep before we hit the pillow, only to be rudely woken up by the electronic rooster (alarm clock). Instead, take a few minutes to review your day. Think about what went right, what could have improved, and how the steps you took to move forward in your life. After this, on a sheet of paper right down everything you have to do tomorrow. Write about the important meetings, the lunch dates, family dinner, appointments, etc. Not only does this help you stay organized for the next day, but you may already realize that you had forgotten an important step for the day’s activities.
Now that you have these two steps, it’s important that you repeat them every single day. By taking the time to review, you will feel more accomplished as you start crossing things off of your list at night. Soon you will see that these two simple steps have brought you closer to accomplishing your goals.