My name is Rohit Rohila, and I am addicted to Breath Mints. Years ago I was sitting on an airplane on my way to Kansas City. I was having a very painful conversation with a gentlemen who was sitting next to me. Painful because his breath smelt worse than anything I had ever been around in my life. I felt bad for the guy, I mean he probably didn’t even know he had bad breath. No one really comes up to you and says, “Hey, you have bad breath, think about brushing your teeth a little more often.”
Then it hit me… what if… I AM that guy? The guy with the bad breath that people are just too polite not to make me aware of it. So since then, I always carry around breath mints and pop them in my mouth all of the time.
I have also taken several steps to prevent bad breath. For more information, read Is Your Breath Hurting You?