Tim Sales has come up with a brilliant way of making the business of Network Marketing easy. The key, he says, is in effective Inviting. Inviting can happen using the following proven steps.

  1. Greet- The purpose of the greeting is to get your prospect to speak openly and freely to you. Talk to the prospect until they let their shield down.
  2. Qualify- Qualify is not what you might expect. It does not question whether the prospect qualifies for your time. The purpose of the qualify is to determine what the prospect: needs, wants, or doesn’t want. Another term that is frequently used in network marketing is finding out the prospects “hot button”.
  3. Invite- Now that you know what the prospect needs, wants, doesn’t want, invite the prospect to review information that can help them achieve what they need, want, or don’t want. In other words, link your business to their hot button.
  4. Handle Questions and/or Objections- Help the prospect get beyond their questions and oppositions to help them attain what they have already said that they need, want, or don’t want.
  5. Close to Action- Create an agreeable step towards what the prospect has stated that they need, want, or don’t want. Set specific dates and times for the reviews.
  6. Follow-up or Follow-through- Contact the prospect again to advance them with your business towards what they’ve stated they need, want, or don’t want.