Hire Rohit for Your Next Event

Available for Keynotes, Speeches, Executive Development, High-Potential Leadership Programs, and leadership development.

Hiring Rohit Rohila as a speaker ensures your audience will experience a dynamic and insightful presentation tailored to inspire action and personal growth. As a published author on procrastination, Rohit brings a wealth of knowledge and practical strategies that resonate with individuals across various industries. His presentations go beyond simply delivering information; they are designed to engage, motivate, and provide attendees with the tools they need to overcome obstacles and enhance their productivity. By choosing Rohit, you are selecting a speaker who is dedicated to helping others unlock their potential and achieve lasting success.

Signature Topics:

Behavior vs Intention: An examination of how our results are a reflection of our intentions and the internal conflicts with our commitments.

Circle of Influence: We will rise or fall based on the expectations of those around us. Learn who you need to surround yourself with and how.

Comfort Zones: Living within our comfort zones is what holds us back. How to recognize you have been complacent with your life.

Default Behaviors: What do we do when we don’t know what to do? Our default behavior is what dictates our reactiveness or proactiveness in our approach to life.

Emotional Intelligence (EI or IQ): A favorite topic amongst managers and those with occupations around customer service, this presentation presents an overview of Emotional Intelligence, which is responsible for greater success than Intelligence Quotient (IQ)

Events / Meanings: Events happen every day, but it’s the meanings that we give those events that make them powerful.

FEAR: The greatest obstacle we all face. However, is this a self-created obstacle? And if so, how do we overcome it?

Goal Setting Workshop: An examination of how the goals we set are destined to fail, and how to set correct ones.

Growing Forward Model: Your past does not define your future. A simple choice today can lead you down a different path.

Lather Rinse Repeat: Does it feel like your days, weeks, months, and years all blend together? Find out how 3.5 hours a day determines our future.

Motivation: When searching for motivation, everyone looks externally for inspiration. The result is a short-term solution that lacks true results. The best long-term solution is to look internally.

Personality Styles (best done with groups of 15+): Exploring personalities and how they factor into our everyday lives.

Sitting on Nails: We all have circumstances that cause us pain, but is it enough pain to do something about it? Discover what has been holding you back and whether or not you are willing to do something about it.

Success Triangle: There are three key points to examining your life and moving forward, but 95% choose wrong.

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